PhD Students in Cybersecurity (m-f-d)

Référence 2021-5094





Vos missions

Each PhD candidate shall provide a major contribution to novel concepts in one or two of 9 technical subdomains, including security assurance, smart (model-based) security testing, forensic readiness and semi-formal approaches.

The team is supported by 3 University Partners, each with their own PhD students in the joint projects.

Each PhD student is expected to get deeply involved into an analytical part (e.g. modeling, attack-tree analysis, smart fuzzing) and a practical industrial automation part, including a SCADA platform.

Transversal topics related to operating systems, network security, FPGA technology, IIoT security, security metrics, digital forensics, etc. will be jointly addressed by multiple PhD students.

The PhD students have to publish and present generic results, as part of the funding is external.

Vous êtes

-Computer Science (or programming related), Information Security
-Electrical Engineering, Industrial Automation with initial software development experience
-English language proficiency is expected and German language knowledge is a plus

Informations additionnelles

Spécialité : TAL - Contrôle commande et Instrumentation nucléaire

Niveau d’études min requis Autre

Lieu : Allemagne, Bavière - Erlangen, Erlangen

Espace Candidat

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Vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans l’énergie bas-carbone et construire le monde de demain ? Vous rêvez de participer à des projets hors normes en collaborant avec des équipes internationales ? Vous cherchez une entreprise attentive à votre carrière et votre qualité de vie au travail ?

Alors rejoignez-nous, nous avons plus d’un atome en commun.
