Plants with optimized performance and the highest levels of nuclear safety

The Olkiluoto 3 power plant

A General view of Olkiluoto 3 power plant, Finland © EDF Energy

For reliable, economical, climate-friendly energy

New power plants are designed to the highest levels of performance and reliability in compliance with safety and environmental protection rules. Energy production must be profitable and controllable over the long term.

Framatome partners with its customers from the inception of build projects, throughout the construction and operation of the plants, and right through decommissioning. Framatome’s expertise includes:

  • assistance with project management: from design and licensing to delivery and commissioning
  • the design and manufacture of Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) equipment and all primary circuit equipment
  • incorporating performance and safety management tools (instrumentation and control-command)
  • the design and delivery of fuel assemblies
  • support for innovative solutions throughout the supply chain: from robotics and digitalization to increased efficiency and safety.

Safety and security are an integral part of our culture. We comply with the most stringent level of requirements in force, based on unparalleled operating feedback.

View of the Saint-Marcel workshop

View of the Saint-Marcel workshop and the module area with the steam generator upper internal © Framatome, Cyrille Dupont (The Pulses)


Framatome to supply fuel to VVER reactors in Slovakia

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Management of major projects

Framatome has a wealth of experience and skilled resources armed with the necessary competencies to coordinate large numbers of stakeholders and partners. We are committed to meet and exceed stringent requirements for cost control, compliance with deadlines and quality of delivering and implementing complex projects..

Within its centers of excellence, Framatome draws on a community of experts that benefit from best practices in every stage of the project including, risk assessments, scheduling, cost management and configuration.

At Framatome’s technical centers, studies and tests are performed to validate and qualify new solutions in advance of final safety authorizations and connection to the grid.

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